Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Crib Set

I'll post a picture of your nursery, when we finish it... but for your scrapbook, here is a picture of your new crib set. One of the pictures has your older brother Aidan in it. He is wearing mommy's house slippers... too silly!

Love, Mom

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hair + Surprise Shower!

I forgot to mention, yesterday in the ultrasound the technician said your hair was about 9 millimeters long... which means, we are pretty sure you are going to have curly hair!!!! Sean came out with a full head and Aidan has peach fuzz... we shall see!

Mommy's good friend Lisa threw here a super secret surprise baby shower. You can't imagine how pampered your mommy was!! Lisa's husband, Paul, is a professional chef and served us quite the gourmet lunch of Chicken Cordon Bleu, fresh veggies, rosemary potatoes, fresh salad greens, and hummus.. yummm!!! And a the grand finale!...a chocolate cream cheese cake! Daddy and Mrs Lisa pulled a good one because Daddy said he was going to be busy all day today getting your nursery ready . Mrs Lisa said she was going to be busy all weekend, so mommy was really sad. Lisa called in to say she could squeeze in an hour at Starbucks and she would pick mommy up. On the way to Starbucks, Lisa said she forgot her cell and we swung by her house... to my great surprise, a house full of good friends from the area. We had your Aunt Shirley. Cousins Brooke & Morgan. Brooke's boy, Darren the exceptional server du jour... Mommy's good friends Debbie G and Beth! Mommy's friend Lori sent the cutest pair of pajamas to mommy via Pajamagram.com this morning! Your cousin Brooke has laid claim to your crib set (mommy to post pictures, it's beautiful... not that she needs it now, but years down the road when you have outgrown it... if it's in good shape still). Your cousin Morgan & I are scheming to see if we can paint an elephant on the wall by your crib! Daddy and Darren actually managed to lift it up the stairs today. On top of all of this, your coming home outfit arrived this afternoon via fedex. It only took them three weeks.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Ultrasound Yesterday

Yesterday, daddy and I got to see you on an ultrasound. You were measuring 6.5lbs, and 36 weeks along. We've had about 6 ultrasounds and you always measure a week ahead. We think that you were conceived the same week that your grandfather Torrey passed away. It was mommy & daddy's anniversary. What a blessing from above. Only our heavenly father could have made that timing possible. And I couldn't think of a better present. I think your grandpa Torrey is smiling down from heaven as well!

This morning is my birthday and I woke up with a present from you, contractions and you kicking my bladder! It's good to know I'm loved.

In yesterday's ultrasound we could see you licking your lips and sucking on your arm. I think your ready to get out and get some real food! No worries, there will be plenty of that coming from your mommy!

Today, I'm going to hopefully be picking up a crib set for you. We are about 2-3 weeks away from your big arrival!



Monday, February 16, 2009

"Family Portrait"


Sean was taking pictures tonight on the camera and he told daddy he wanted a family portrait, so here is what we got! You are in the picture, obviously inside mommy's tummy!

Love, Mom
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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pictures with Mom




Mom's hasn't been feeling so "thin" lately, however I know down the road, I will regret not taking pictures if I don't do it now. Here is your brothers and I this morning. I am 34 weeks pregnant and we couldn't be more than happy that you are coming. Your big brother Sean is going to help us paint the trim in your nursery today!

Love, Mom
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Friday, February 13, 2009

Crunch Time

Wow, where has the time gone? I'm not so sure that I'm ready for you to come out in the next 4to 6 weeks. Your daddy & I still have a list of "to do" items. We've outsourced some of the tedious tasks that come with home ownership... I've got a bunch of high school boys coming over tomorrow morning to rake all of the leaves in the front and back yard. We have about 8 oak trees in our yard and the two houses neighboring us have many as well, and we have leaf fest going on. I actually managed to bag 1 bag of leaves last week before calling in the "troups". Outside of the general house maintenance, there are a few items I have to get done for you!

1)find & clean Sean & Aidan's old car seat (thanks to your Aunt Tammy & Uncle Jimmy who gifted this to us 6 years ago).

2) Hopefully buy this cool crib from our neighbors. (We were not ready to throw Aidan out of the existing crib).

3) Pack the hospital bag

4) Finish the nursery. Daddy needs to paint the trim and get the rest of the "office" items out. We also need to get the carpets cleaned in there.

5) Pick up a few essentials we don't have that's still my "working list" at Target.

6) Mommy needs to get her annual eye exam done!

As far as extra help, well... we've got yard people coming out. I'm hoping to hire a house keeper to help me one day every other week. Daddy will be home with mommy the first few weeks after you are born, however I will be recovering from a cesarian section, which trust me... is no piece of cake. As long as your brother Aidan behaves, I shouldn't have any issues with the recovery. That is wishful thinking : ). I cannot drive a car for 4 weeks after surgery and expect to be fully recovered by 8 weeks post surgery.

You've slowed down quite a bit with movement. I suspect you are running out of room to grow in. Mommy's maternity shirts are having a hard time covering her lower belly. Daddy says just to wear his t shirts, which I may do, however he forgets I am a woman, and I will likely buy 2 shirts in a bigger size to make it up to your birthday!

Well, you older brother Aidan woke up at 6am this morning, so he's a bit fussy right now. Your oldest brother Sean woke up and I made him a sausage breakfast and he is watching the weather channel already. Rest assure, if you ever need to know what the weather forecast will be, your brother Sean will know!

Love, Mom