Wednesday, December 17, 2008

26 week 4 day ultrasound!

Oh, what fun your dad and I had today! Sean was at school. Aidan spent the hour at play care. There was no rushing your ultrasound and well, your tipping the weight charts a bit. 2lbs 4oz. I told the tech that I though you would be coming out mid March and that I think the due date is wrong. It appears that you look like Aidan, but with big cheeks... so no real guesses yet. Mom and dad think you are going to have curly hair. That's to be decided yet. Either which way, we were assured you were moving your fingers and toes and that all of your "parts" looked good. Your heart rate was 155 (yes, I drank some juice before I went). You were moving around nicely. The whole appointment only took 30 minutes and your dad and I snuck off for a kid free lunch afterwords. Can't wait to meet you little man!



Thursday, December 4, 2008

24 weeks

Well, Aaron. .you must be growing by leaps and bounds because your mommy has quite the belly on her. I'm just leaving the second trimester and entering the third. Your father and I have been working on getting a bedroom ready for you and the hardest part seems to be your older brothers. It appears, neither of them want to part with their bedrooms, leaving you with the farthest room from mommy & daddy. Daddy, doesn't see that being a big deal, however I will be the one getting up mostly at night and think the extra 20 feet makes a difference! I suppose you will be in our bedroom for the first three months anyways.

I am having a hard time keeping up with your brother Aidan. He is now 2.5 years old and all I will say is he is 38 lbs and very active. He must know something is about to come because he has me rocking him to sleep at night. He also has the strongest mommy attachment I've ever had. Maybe because he's been at home with me, while Sean was in childcare (because I worked) with him.

I got a nice co sleeper on ebay for you. I got a steal, as you will see it's worth $400.00, but I only paid $50. This will be where you sleep for the first three months : ). You mom likes to bargin shop!

love, mom

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thankful for

Well, today is Thanksgiving and you are kicking up a storm in my belly. Perhaps, you are feeling the warmth from the stove from all of the cooking I am doing.

Sean called your Papa Thomas yesterday and told him the big news: We finally decided a name for you so we can stop calling you baby:

Aaron Alexander Thomas with a possible last minute switch of Aaron Glen Thomas

your Papa Thomas was so proud and if your Papa Torrey was still around, he would be proud either way!

Your brothers and father spent the morning outside in the backyard. Aidan discovered his love of dirt and took the newly put down dirt and was putting it on top of his tricycle seat, then pushing it down the hill. Sean & daddy were kicking & throwing balsl around and well, I was doing what I will do on most holidays: cook!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

the name

Well, I started this blog as a journal for you, to give you an idea of what was going on with your family while I was pregnant with you. First and far most, we don't have a name picked out quite yet. We know that you were conceived shortly after my father passed away. It would mean the world to me to incorporate a name that is strong in the Torrey family as a remembrance of your grandfather. If we were to do that, we would of course also use your grandfather Thomas's name. The other option that your father and I are considering are non family names and sticking with our current Irish/Scottish name theme. Your big brother Sean has picked out a name for you, Nicholas. The family name would likely be Aaron Glen Thomas or Aaron Alexander Thomas , Aaron being Ian's dad's first name and Glen being my father's first name, or Alexander being a strong Torrey name, my uncle is James Alexander Jr. and my grandfather was James Alexander Sr.
Non family names that Ian & I both like is Liam. I like Gavin but Ian keeps saying it reminds him of the love boat.

Whatever we choose, it has certainly been the most difficult name to pick. I feel you kick in my belly all of the time. You don't like it when I lay down and you are the quietest when I am moving (which is often, because your two year old brother Aidan is quite the handful lately).

Sean is excited to meet you, he often puts his hands on my belly hoping to feel you move. It amazes me on how determined he is to name you.

Love, Mom