Thursday, April 2, 2009

Proud Big Brothers

You oldest brother Sean came in the door from school today. He saw you and said "Mom, can I please hold Aaron?". He loves you so much and it's the cutest thing ever. It warms and fills my heart. Sean is setting such a good example for Aidan, I hope he takes notes. Aidan is still not so sure of his strength. Tonight I was cuddling with you on the couch and he came up and decided to sit on you. Thankfully, mommy has quick reflexes.

You had your two week doctors appointment today. Your back to your original birth weight! You also have reflux just like your older two brothers did. You also have a bad case of the day/night mix ups. Your daddy has been napping during the day and staying up with you from midnight until 3 sometimes 4 in the morning. The doctor told mommy to start thinking about putting you in your own bedroom now. Hmm, I have a secret to tell. I still wake up at night to check on you to make sure your still breathing! I love you so much!

Love, Mom

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