Sunday, January 11, 2009

Nesting, Nesting, Nesting

We had a doctors appointment last week and in the ultrasound the measured you at 3lbs 7oz which is above average for weight! I told the ultrasound tech, I have big boys! I had to be tortured by a 3 hour gestational diabetes test last Friday. I have to drink a large sugar drink and then they draw my blood 4 times. You were not so happy about the large sugar drink. You were beating my belly from all directions!

I dropped off the cover to your pack and play and have started to get the guest bedroom ready for your arrival. We decided not to change Aidan's bedroom, because we are already concerned on how is is going to respond to the change of having you around in 8 weeks!

I went to Lowes today and purchased 3 closest rods and installed them into the walk in closest in the office. I now have a place to hang your baby clothes! My good friend Lisa & I went consignment store shopping over the weekend and I picked up a bunch of clothes in size 0 to 3 months. My good friend in Colorado, Kathy, who also has 3 boys, was kind enough to send you the nicest batch of 0-3 months baby clothes from her little man Sam! We are so blessed to have these great friends!

I used my Christmas gift card that your Grandma Thomas gave me to purchase the Valance that will transition the guest bedroom / office to a guest bedroom / nursery.

I still need to buy the rest of your bedding set, however we are waiting to get your brother Aidan out of the crib so we don't have to buy another crib.

I'm starting to get in panic mode as I've got a bunch of things on the list to get done for your arrival.

Finish transitioning the guest bedroom.

Move Ian's desk into the master bedroom.

items to still buy

baby bathtub

nursing cape

some type of infant sling / carrier

nursing pillow



burp rags

and other items I stuck on your registry at Target.COM

whew, and I have 8 weeks to get it done... no pressure mom!

love, Mom

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